Bone Health Clinic and General Update

     We went to see the Bone Health Clinic. We were referred to them after Leo fractured a rib. It was a very encouraging appointment from my perspective. 

    The doctor ordered some blood work and a urine test for Leo so that he could look at Leo's growth hormones and how his body absorbs calcium and vitamin d. Nothing about Leo struck him as urgent and off. He gave various reasons for why we need to be aware of bone health in kids like Leo, what are the concerns, and future treatment. It's basically monitoring that is required. It very much seemed like this is part of the deal. Not that Leo is super fragile, but this is something that can happen. His movements and development are not natural so this means that growing can pose different problems. 

    I was kind of encouraged by something the doctor said about Leo's muscles. He felt how strong Leo is--if you have held him, you know what I'm talking about. And the doctor said that Leo's strength is actually a bit of a good sign as far as bone health. If kids deal with low tone issues that is usually when bones can be weaker and more fragile. But, as far as I understood, Leo's high tone means that the muscles are pulling on his bones a lot and almost giving his bones a workout........They get used a lot so they are strong. I am not saying that his high muscle tone is a good thing. But this was an encouraging thing to hear from the bone doctor (also I'm fully aware that is not a medical title). 

    Leo and I were very grateful that a friend could come to Philly with us. Also, the appointment was much shorter than we anticipated! We've had many other praises these days, too. We don't have a new nighttime nurse yet; however, our weekend nurse has had more availability in her schedule and has been helping us a lot. We will have her help for a majority of the time until the last week of April. God provides. He knows what's up. And he sees.


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