A Bit More Reflection (I wrote this last week)

     I have heard from many other mothers of special needs children that those first approximately 3 years can be particularly overwhelming. I've been contemplating that today. 

    We just had a weight check with our pcp. Leo's doing well. He's having some issues at night--just not sleeping through--and I think that it has to do with being fed and digesting at night. I explained to the doctor that I would like to work toward giving him less at night and more during the day. So we discussed how we could play around with this. 

    She then told me that she thinks we should come back and see her in three months...!

    So. We are seeing our GI doctor in three months and our pediatrician in 3 months while keeping both updated on his eating and puking and weight gain. I talk with our nutritionist. I know if I have any questions or concerns she'll help me without an appointment. We are going in to Philly for an in-person neurology check up. But, otherwise, those are every 3 months (with neurology) and usually virtual. The CP Clinic at CHOP is every 6 months right now. I know things can and will come up. But, wow, this is a different place than we were a year ago.

    It's not Philly trips every month. It's not new doctors and new issues each time. It's a bit more predictable which means not as nerve-wracking of appointments. I know Leo better. He's gaining weight and puking is significantly decreased. We've got help and night so I'm sleeping--everything goes a little bit better when you can sleep. Therapies are in full swing--I mean full swing. I'm not pumping, bottle feeding, and syringe feeding through the tube. I'm confident and proud to be a mother of a special needs child--still grieving and processing for sure (dare I say that'll be my whole life). But not in a stage of grief. 

    Something about today just has me reflecting. And, again, I'm not saying life will never be crazy again. We could hit a spell of a lot of appointments. New issues could come up. Leo is medically complicated and we're not blind to that. BUT, right now is a real sweet spot. And look at what God has done...



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