
     Two things that I want to say on here.

One. As we prepare to move into our house, we are repeatedly reminded of how the Lord provides. Many of you gave to us financially right after Leo was born. It was such a humbling experience to not have to worry about finances during that time. We were able to save much of what was given to us then and it really impacted us being able to put money down on this house. We see the Lord provide through you. We are humbled by the reality that we can't do this on our own. But God did not create us to be alone. Can I get an amen?!

    So we wanted to come back to this and say a really clear "thank you" for being the loving hands of Jesus in your generosity to us. It's uncomfortable in a way, and comforting in a way. We could not have moved into this house without it. Thanks for helping us get into a bigger space and a space to call our own.  We are excited for Leo to have his own room, our nurse to have more space, and for room for Leo's equipment (which will probably grow). 

Two. We were given tickets to a For King & Country concert recently and it What an experience to hear them play "Fight On, Fighter" live. It brought back a lot of sad emotions, special joys, a flood of memories of Leo's first month of life, and just how far we've come from those days. Just wanted to share on here that the song definitely takes us back to when Leo was born. It brings up a lot of emotions surrounding Leo's story. But is also a welcome reminder of the story that God gave us and what he's brought us through. It was a powerful night. We enjoyed much more than just that song, but it felt like something to share on here.


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