The Past 24 Hours

Leo had OT yesterday, and PT and a pediatrician appointment today. They all went really well and I’m a bit happy drunk over having 3 really good appointments/sessions.
In OT he practiced sitting up and holding his head up. He did some stretching and also some oral stimulation to practice moving his tongue intentionally. In PT he laid on his side and was reaching for toys and pulling things to his mouth. It’s also noteworthy that he laid on both sides really well (usually one side is significantly more uncomfortable for him). He also did some holding himself up while she held his knees down (like in a crawling position). And she said his body felt relaxed/flexible—basically pretty easy (as far as Leo goes)—to work with. Then at his appointment he was up in weight and the pediatrician said that Leos growth chart hasn’t looked like this since he was 2 or 3 months old. 
So even with the puking, he’s been putting on weight. He has 3-5 teeth coming in up top. He has his good nights and bad nights as well as happy days and grumpy days. But looking at the big picture there’s a lot of positives right now. Which to be honest feels kind of weird to say because I’m realizing as I write this that last night I was very discouraged and just stressed. I think it should be noted that this journey can have high highs and low lows and they can come out of nowhere—but also I realize that I’m a very emotional person so I contribute to that as well. But all that to say that 

God is here and working and we are thankful that how He’s working feels not as painful for us right now.


  1. Grace Lohner-DuarteMay 7, 2022 at 11:19 AM

    oh my gosh, that picture!! TOO cute!

    So so so grateful to hear all the positives, praising the Lord for them and praying the Lord would encourage and strengthen y'all. Love you guys!

  2. Great news. Happy mother's day

  3. Great!!! So Cute


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