One year of Little Lion Man

     There's not words for today. Not enough, anyway.

Here's the basics:

    Leo is so freaking cool. We have so much to celebrate. His birth day was partially positive but also really painful. It was a traumatic day that started a traumatic week (plus). The anniversary of hard stuff brings specific memories to mind, makes that day feel closer, and brings up a lot of emotions. 

    I just wanted to say that today is a real rollercoaster. We love celebrating Leo. And we are also reminded of big pain by small things and unexpectedly. Thanks for your prayers and for being with us in the long haul. 

I know everyone needs God's presence. But if you pray for us today, could you pray for God to be near in the joy and in the pain. And for clarity when it comes to the emotions. I hope to write something more fully about Leo's life/story sometime. But that is not for today. 

    To God be the glory! 

Isn't he pretty?!


  1. Sending my love and prayers always.

  2. Celebrating the joy and feeling the pain with you. ❤️


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