A lot and nothing all at the same time

    Sometimes we have very specific things to update on. Other times it's just prayer requests and telling you what life with Leo is like. Today I have a little bit of both, I think. 

    First off, the tube. We are about two and a half weeks out from placement and he's doing well. The button is not completely healed up. It's not a fast process. So far, it seems to be improving and not getting infected. We have been able to give him and extra ounce or a little more through the tube after a bottle. We've also been able to use the pump some. We use the pump when we are giving him a significant amount through the tube; however it takes some figuring out because he often throws up after getting a large amount with no oatmeal. The oatmeal helps it stay down and he gets oatmeal in his bottles. I don't know if that makes complete sense but it's the best I got for here. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to help his stomach handle more without throwing it all up. Oatmeal seems to help with reflux and timing and pacing is important too. He hasn't been weighed in a couple weeks, but we will check.....sometime in the near future. I do have the appointment scheduled, I just don't know off of the top of my head. 

    We are thankful for how things are going. We are learning to use the tube. Leo is learning to take more at each bottle. It is hard when I look at the numbers because we aren't at the goal that they want me to hit yet. I also worry when a weight check comes up because what if he hasn't gained? What will my new routine look like? What if something else is wrong? Satan attacks those areas more some days than others. Overall, God is in control of Leo's health, not us. He continues to be the happiest little lion we could imagine. His expressiveness is growing. I don't want to paint a bleak picture. We are doing well. It's just some days are harder than others. And I'm just explaining the hard things. Thanks for praying with and for us.

    We started him on a medicine that will hopefully help calm down some of his movements and help him more more intentionally. We are watching for side effects and may have to tweak the dose. I don't like starting this medicine but I think it will be good for him. Please pray for everything regarding this part of the journey. 

    Therapy! Leo's still working on muscle control, relaxing, coming to midline, and neck strength. It's slow but we've seen some progress. The biggest thing to share is that Leo has been reaching for things! It's so fun to see him aware of his surroundings! We are having a lot of fun with him. 

    Logistics, tests, and future wise--hospital stuff. We've got several follow ups in the month of March. We would appreciate prayer that we can coordinate them well and that the trips in go well and that the appointments themselves go well. Also, insurance calls, hospital calls, and billings are not fun. But I have made some friends, and some kind people have explained things to me. 

    Lastly, our neurologist suggested some genetic testing to see if we can get a more comprehensive understanding of why Leo suffered his brain injury at birth. We still don't know why he came out the way he did. This test could potentially offer an explanation. It's also  possible that they would need to test Brad and I and see if something would affect future kids. These tests also have the chance and not offering us anything. I've spoken with my special needs moms who affirm that these first few years are very overwhelming. Specifically with these tests right now, it's hard to handle mentally sometimes. They could tell us very big news and they could tell us nothing. It's hard to hold our expectations well and to release control. Not that we have control anyway, but you know what I mean. So prayer for what God would will concerning those tests would be appreciated.

    All that to say, we're doing well. Leo is the absolute bomb. Brad and I continue to feel the support of the body of Christ (and even those who support us and don't claim Christianity, we see and feel God through you). For any prayers that you offer up for the scattered areas of our life, thank you.

    God bless.


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