A Bit More Waiting

     February 8th! That's our new surgery date. Broken record over here, but please pray that all works out for that to happen. For patience, strength, and wisdom in the waiting too.

    Leo did test positive for covid. There is some blessing in knowing that he has at least had it and recovered well. The pediatrician talked to us about watching for something to come back 3 to 4 weeks out from symptoms so please pray for Leo to stay healthy or recover from that well. 

    And then just continued prayer for eating and gaining. 

    Big praise is that he has been doing so well in therapies recently! He was reaching for stuff. Brad and I think that he reaches for our faces sometimes. He very much has some vision we are just learning more about it. 

    God has just impressed on my heart over the past couple of days a gratefulness for Leo's expressiveness. He is SO expressive and it's so wonderful to witness, especially with where Leo has come from. 

    My last prayer request, if I can give a very specific one, is for Leo's muscles. We are trying to help him bring things midline still as well as for head control. It's a lot of work. I feel discouraged sometimes that it's never going to happen. It's still very possible for Leo to improve in these things. I want for him to be able to hold his head up so badly. Can you pray that God would allow that? But also, I know it could happen but just take a long time. Leo's timeline is going to look different than other timelines we have seen or expected. But I want to ask that you bring that specific request before the Lord and just pray for us to surrender Leo's muscles to God. Life is more than the physical.

    Have a blessed day. May you in turn be a blessing. 


  1. Thanks for the update Charis :) praying for our sweet little lion man! The Lord has made him a strong warrior and a fighter. Praying for all to go well, for his muscles to strengthen more and more and for peace and joy to fill your hearts and home every day as you walk this journey. Love you guys!

  2. Have been and will continue for Leo to be able to hold his head up...praying for the covid stuff and for the next surgery. Actually praying that he will not need the feeding tube. His smile is soooo sweet and encouraging..luv u guys


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