
    Today was a good day. But I'm a little over this stage of appointments.

He gets bed-head just like Brad!

    We heard back from the GI doctor and she put in the referral for a surgical consultation to move forward with the tube. We have yet to hear back from the referral and I am trying to get the number so that I can call them. Leo and I are going to the pediatrician tomorrow. We will discuss all of this with him. I am anxious to do that because he knows Leo the best as far as our doctors go. We are also hoping that he might refer us for a consultation closer than CHOP as travelling does not go well with Leo right now. The GI doctor said that she thinks Leo should get a tube within the next month. That gives us an idea of how urgent they think it is. 

    Another thing on our minds is that Leo had 3 more big spit ups since the GI appointment. He hasn't been having those at all so it was weird. But we have been talking and researching as to why those are happening. At appointments we've addressed it as reflux, but we just want to be sure it's not something else so we are thinking through appointments for that reason too. 

    Could you just pray for wisdom in all of these? 

    A praise is that he is taking bottles well right now! He's still sleeping well. And he doesn't seem to have my cold (yet). So, could you please pray

    that Leo stays healthy and my being sick doesn't interfere with this whole process

    for Leo to get better at bottles and to gain weight

    for clarity when it comes to where to go to get the tube and what to do about his spit up issue

    strength for our marriage

    discipline as we grow in our routines

We have many people with whom we seek advice about calling doctors, making appointments, and such. We are very overwhelmed, and your messages, comments, texts, prayers sent and prayers spoken  mean so much to us. 

    "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."     Deut. 31:8


  1. Continuing to pray. Love you guys, praying for peace and strength for you guys as well as a growth in your relationship and praying for growth and health in Leo


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