Still Waiting . . . on the Lord

    This isn't really an update on new medical information. It's just kind of where we're at and what we need prayer for. I can't say it enough, thanks for caring about what's up with us.

    We have been referred to CHOP as well as Hershey for the feeding tube--which would be a consultation and then the surgery. We are sort of playing it out to see where we can get in first, but it has not been a quick process at either place. Initially we were pursuing the feeding tube with more urgency but that has diminished a bit. We are hesitant because we still have questions, Leo's taking his bottles better and eating some solids (oatmeal and puree), and we'd like to see another GI doctor (which we also have the referral for so it's in the works). Basically, we are moving forward with it because he is so far behind in weight; however, we are not pushing the timeline to move quickly and we are trying what we can. 

    Initially when we were told he needed a feeding tube I was very stressed. My brain processed the doctors' information as "you need to get a feeding tube. your baby is wasting away." Sounds dramatic, I know. It is dramatic. But that's what you got to deal with in your head sometimes, am I right? We--I--are not feeling that pressure as much anymore. We've been speaking the truth to ourselves that Leo is in God's hands. We are doing all that we know to do. We are so grateful for the medical professionals who help us take care of Leo. But sometimes when all of the voices get overwhelming we just have to take a quiet moment to remember that God is in control.

    So, many factors go into it, but ultimately we are at peace with the pace that we are moving forward, what we are doing to get answers and appointments, a trusting the Lord with the outcome. To be clear, we are moving forward with feeding tube stuff. It's not happening quickly. And we are ok with that.

    Praises! Leo is taking his bottles really well! He is eating more, more consistently. The medicine as well as the oatmeal has really seemed to help his reflux as well. I am meeting with a nutritionist on Wednesday to talk about what Leo needs as we're going through all of this and most babies Leo's age are starting solids. We'll figure it out. We went to a friend's house, and got to meet her daughter who is very similar to Leo. We got to see a feeding tube feed, ask questions, and were very encouraged with our conversation. Also, Leo is such a happy baby. We are so grateful to see more of his personality. And we are thankful that he is so active and happy. He does not act like a sick baby which would make all of this so much harder. 

    We always wait on the Lord, right? But the past couple of weeks have been a sweet time of realizing that God has called us to care for Leo, made us capable of caring for him, and God knows all of the outcomes. 



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