Praises and Prayers This Week

     This is our big week! We've got a heart appointment, GI appointment, and swallow study in the hopes of getting some answers to the weight gain issues. We've also got an eye appointment that was booked separately and therapy. 

    We don't know exactly how to approach this week. We are expecting big news and bad news but at the same time hoping for good news and maybe answers. I've also been hoping that he'll just start gaining weight this week and we'll be well on our way! He's eaten really well today. Realistically, there will probably be more, "We just have to wait and see!" somewhere in there. Actually, realistically, no one knows the future, right? It's hard to guard your heart from going straight to worst case scenario. But we also feel like we have good reason to worry about these things. Ultimately, God is in control, but emotionally it's hard to go through this week. I feel like I say this a lot, but I don't know if all of that makes sense. I'm just trying to explain where we're at. We are very grateful for the support around us (medical resources as well as community).

    So, if you could pray for our appointments this week, thank you! One on Tuesday, two on Wednesday, and one on Thursday.

    I also wanted to take a moment to list some very clear praises. Leo had a neonatal follow up last week which was basically to check where he is developmentally. I don't like hearing about how he's behind, but am becoming more comfortable with Leo having his own curve. But the doctor and I were very intentional about celebrating what Leo can do. So here were some good things from our appointment!

    Leo scored the highest when it came to communication and expressiveness. That's our boy! 

    His ankles are fairly flexible, and his thumbs are out when his hands are relaxed. These are both good signs when it comes to his mobility. 

    Even with his weight gain issues, his head was measured and it's on the curve! Despite everything, his brain is growing and developing! That's a huge praise.

    He turned his head toward noise on both sides. It's a good sign that he is starting to distinguish where sounds are coming from. 

    He's been responding to laughter. 

    He's happy.

    And did I mention that he has eaten well today?

One day at a time. God is in control. To God be the glory.



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