Real Quick

     We had an appointment with the pediatrician yesterday to look at Leo's weight. He is having trouble with weight gain. I discussed a plan with the pediatrician and even got our neurologist's feedback on it. We are moving ahead and will be back in two weeks to check Leo's weight.

    Please pray that Leo gains weight. At this point, from my understanding, this is a very normal problem for babies to have. As in, babies without brain injury can struggle with this. However, if he does not gain weight then we will need to go to a GI doctor to have some tests done. I don't know exactly what they would be looking for, but potentially issues with his tone could affect how he eats. 

    Please, pray that he gains weight. And pray for peace in our house. It's a seemingly small issues, but there's these small voices in the back of our minds that say, "What if it's something more serious?"

    Also, I know you're still praying with us for a miracle with his EYES. This morning I was doing some therapy with Leo and I tell you I swear he was looking at the object that I held in front of him. Please, continue to pray for his eyes to come into focus! I will never stop hoping for "better" things for him, although God knows "better" way more than I do. 

    Thanks for your support of our little lion man.


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