Leo's almost 5 months old!

     I don't know why it's coming to me this way, but I'm just going to do a basic--and maybe confusing--where are we at? I may repeat myself, but I just want to do a recap (for myself) of where we are at. An overview?

    Here it is.

    I'm pumping, off dairy (trial run), and giving Leo breastmilk in bottles. Looking back to when the doctor's said, "We'll see if he can eat on his own," to now......wow. I remember the first time he sucked on the bottle. What a relief. I am very thankful that we went through all of that to get to this point. This is one of those places where I'm reminded that this isn't a brain damage issue. Not all babies breastfeed. At his last weight check, Leo gained at a good rate but still hasn't made up, per say, from the time that he was nursing and not getting enough. So, we are talking about options with our pediatrician and just making sure we are on top of his nutrition. Big things we are thankful for: milk supply, Leo's ability to eat, good pediatrician and support, and that Leo is gaining weight pretty well! In this area, please pray for the transition to solid foods. We are not doing that yet. I am nervous for it. It's just another big unknown with valid reasons to think that things will go "wrong." I really don't know what to expect with Leo when we try foods. Please pray that he would have the ability (that the muscles in his mouth could do it) to chew, swallow, and eat on his own. 

    His eyes. I swear that there have been several times over the past week where he was looking at me. I don't actually know. It's so hard to tell what's going on in there and what he's aware of visually, but God is working. I do know that. So, nothing new with his eyes. Just a summary. He has some vision, but can't focus or process the vision very well. We will have more specific explanations at our 6 month (from due date) appointment in October. I am still using black and white objects in front of him to try and help him practice tracking an object. It's hard to do because I don't feel like it's actually helping him, but if it has even a little benefit for him I want to do it (without pushing myself past the limits). In this area, please pray that God would be preparing us for what he will tell us at the next eye doctor appointment. Also, please pray that God would bring his eyes into focus and give him vision. We know God can heal and we are praying for that. 

    He is doing so good with his movements. We are learning Leo's moves, how he moves and why he moves. His limbs continue to have high muscle tone, but he is still not very tight, meaning that we are still hopeful that he will have mobility. He continues to improve in tummy time--with muscle control and holding things in the middle--and in head control. Something Brad and I are kind of focusing on is learning ways to help him calm down. When he is agitated, he extends and arches everything and pushes back hard. We are working on helping him relax his muscles. The physical therapist is helping us understand high muscle tone. High muscle tone means it's hard for your muscles to "turn off." Another thing he is doing well is bringing his hands together, to his face, and to his mouth more. We have a special vest being made for him that will help his core muscles. In this area, my biggest prayer is that he would be able to be mobile. We are also praying for Leo's soul and reminding ourselves that soul is so much more significant than body. 

    Therapies! We are now doing physical therapy and occupational therapy weekly. This week was our first OT session. The main focus his feeds and how he is doing with the bottle. She also looked at how he grips objects. Some therapies that are possibilities for Leo in the future are vision, speech, and water. Please pray that Leo would not develop seizures or that we would see them clearly if they are there. That's a lingering thought at times. And, praise God for the personality and emotions we see from this little lion! We are so grateful to see smiles and hear the happy noises as well as cries and angry yells.

    We see the Lord in the support he has placed around us--physically and spiritually. As always, thank you. 


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