Speech Therapy #2

     Quick update.

    We scheduled speech therapy for Leo after he went back on the bottle. It seems that his suck is a little weak and he's a bit reflux-y so we just wanted to make sure that he was swallowing, getting what he needed, and there weren't any muscle issues that we weren't aware of.

    Went in today and, again, got the news that we do not need to meet with her regularly! Leo did great with the bottle. We are watching the time that it takes his feeds (not going too long), and there are things we can do to help him not get overwhelmed by the flow of the nipple (and then the milk goes down the wrong pipe). It was very comforting to talk to the therapist about our concerns. Brad and I were worried about what these struggles meant for his swallowing ability and the future. Would he be able to eat solid foods? Is he going to need a feeding tube? Your mind just goes to worst case scenario sometimes, and it can get away from you. The therapist told me that Leo's timeline might not look like most other kids, but he's doing great right now and there's a lot we can do to work with him. It's possible he'll be on pureed food for a while. Who knows? It seems like, again, his muscles might not do things naturally so he'll have to work on it, but he could quite possible do it eventually. Basically, there's a lot of room for hope and celebration and we can't let our worries get away from us.

    Today I am thankful for health insurance, therapists, and email contacts. Please just keep Leo's muscles--I guess today it's specifically mouth and throat muscles--in prayer, and that his feeds would continue to go well and he would continue to grow and develop.


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