Some big praises and big prayers

    Since we don't have as many appointments, it's hard to organize my thoughts to update you all. But there are plenty of things to share! Let's start with his "appointment" first. 

    Leo had another great therapy session! She was so pleased to see so much progress from one week to the next. He is doing really well with lifting his head up. He's pushing it higher than before, holding it up longer, and able to control it a little more (and moving it to both sides). Something that we are working towards is for him to be able to hold his head in the middle (looking straight up) when he is on his back. As far as his limbs, he is still extending and contracting them. It's a bit challenging for him to bring his hands to his knees but we are seeing it some. He is kicking his feet, but needs to work on abdominal strength. So, I have exercises to practice with him and ways to lay him down so that certain things are supported to help him work on specific muscles. For example, when he's on his back, I can put a towel under his pelvis. With that slight elevation it will help him engage his core the way we want it to. We are seeing some of his lower muscle tone in this trunk area, but helping him as we can! She did say that he is holding things in the midline more, too, which is big. He is gaining control and range in his arms. Last thing is that during therapy he was engaging with the toys! He was responding to the sound and he was SMILING. I have been very hesitant to say he smiles, BUT it's clear that certain things make him happy and his countenance changes. The smiles are getting stronger just like everything else has for Leo.

    Overall, his level of engagement has just been increasing. Now, before we have talked about his eyes engaging. He is still struggling with that. His eyes are getting stronger, but currently he's still working on holding focus on something. We work on holding focus and tracking something with his eyes and these continue to be slow. However, I do like how his Aunt Stephanie put it, "It's like he really wants to look at you." Leo is alert and we are seeing it more and more. His cry continues to get stronger, and I've heard and angry cry now. He let out a scream that was definitely anger. He has started to make stronger coos and happy noises. He makes the sweetest little hums after a good meal. He's been fussy at home sometimes and clearly responds to being picked up and held. I was a bit stressed in trying to figure out why he was fussy. And it just hit me one time that this kid is fussing for attention! The little stinker. He wants us. It has been such a joy to learn how he is interacting and see some different moods. God is GOOD.

    I think our biggest prayer requests right now as far as development are eyes and muscle tone, and then continued engagement and communication. 

    A bit of a sidenote, our family would ask for prayer for my dad. I know this blog is Leo updates, but it's a big thing in our family right now and we can't skip over it. My dad is in the hospital awaiting bypass surgery. I don't know how to explain all the details, and you may have seen this on my sister's facebook page (if not you can find it there). But he had a mild heart attack and needs surgery. It has been a shock, and Dad could definitely be doing worse. We are thankful that he is feeling good and is getting the help that he needs. Please pray for the surgery and recovery to go smoothly. And please pray for my family in processing my dad's stuff with a lot of other stuff going on. 

    Last note! Leo and I are joining Brad on his first youth group summer trip to Wayumi! If you don't know what Wayumi is, look it up. It's in Jersey Shore, PA and it's amazing. But it's our first trip with Leo. I will not have responsibilities as far as the trip goes, but it will be nice to be there. After that we are off to the cabin with some extended family for a weekend. Prayers for our first group of travels with Leo and that we'll balance routine and adaptability well. 

Leo and Papi 

I'm pretty sure this is a pooping face. Can we just talk about how this boy has grown?!

    Blessings to you! I have been reminded that we are "blessed to be a blessing". I want you to know that you have deeply blessed us, and our desire is to pass that along. May God be known more clearly.


  1. Praying for both Leo and Papa and his surgery next week and recovery. Lord bless both and be with them each and every step. Thank you Lord for all you have and will be doing. Amen


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