Happy Summertime!

     I actually don't know when our next appointment is. I know that it's Lactation because we are going to do a one-month-breastfeeding sort of check up on Leo. But other than that, we are on therapy sessions, 3 month neurology check-ups and monitoring, and normal pediatrician check-ups. 

    We had another therapy session and it went well. Leo was a little fussy, but still did a lot. He seems to be getting stronger in the neck. He can lift his head up better and is definitely supporting himself more and more. That's our tummy time workouts showing themselves valuable! We're still working on eyes, and I feel like that's going to be a long road. We are just working on focusing and tracking. And, to be honest, it's hard to not get discouraged when working on that with him because it's difficult for him. Every now and then (doing therapy or not) it'll just make me sad that I'm trying to get my kid to look at me. But, oh, it is sweet when he does and I do believe he's able to hold focus just a little bit longer than before. We're working on it!

    Other than that, we're working on longer chunks of sleep. Leo and I are working on nursing and getting better at it. He's getting a little chunky. He continues to cry. We've started to hear anger sometimes! AND he's starting to make some happy noises! We've gotten some small smiles out of him, but they're not responsive smiles. I'm not sure if they are voluntary, but I de believe a smile will come because he is communicating emotions with us. His cry is the cutest, most pitiful thing. 

    Prayer requests:

- a smile

- eye strength, focusing and tracking

- continued prayer for his muscles, that therapy would be helpful, tone would not get really bad and he would not develop spasticity

- strength for Brad and me, protection over our marriage and guidance as we navigate a lot of transition

- continued prayer for therapy, that we would do well with it each day. Also, just against discouragement. Therapy is hard sometimes because it can seem like a daily reminder that things are not what I had hoped. I don't know, it kinda throws it in your face sometimes and other times it's totally fine and exciting.

Thank you for your continued support.


  1. Just read your post from May 28th and today’s. All I can say, is I can so much relate to some of your specific prayer requests and I can hear/feel the mama’s heartache. The first year with my special needs little one was so, so hard. I too was terrified that seizures would happen, they eventually did. I thought I would break as what we were dealing with was already a lot. For my little one, her physical therapy improvements have been long periods of what seems stagnation, then sudden jumps. Those stagnant times can feel never ending. A year out now, I feel so so much better, more confident caring for her, more joyful and able to feel light hearted again. More aware of God’s sustaining hand through the times it felt like I was on a rock in the middle of the stormy seas with a child I felt unable to help. I’m so happy to hear the good progress reports for Leo. I can’t wait to continue to hear how he’s doing and you, I pray you can see this as a season and that there will be light and a time when you can feel like you can really BREATHE again! Leo looks like a silly handsome little guy! ❤️❤️


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