Neurology Check-Up

     Driving back to Philly today was very strange. Our month there feels like a world away. Those familiar sights reminded us of certain songs, conversations, and people. Lots of feels. Can't describe them all.

    But the appointment! Leo did so good. He was a bit fussy, but it gave the doctor a chance to see his full range of motion and hear that beautiful cry. She was pleased with where he's at as far as feeding and sleeping. Most of the appointment we talked about his muscle tone. 

    She did confirm for us that he is hypotonic around his spine and hypertonic in his limbs. She observed him laying down--on his back and on his stomach--and also tested some reflexes. She gave us instructions on tummy time and how to help him strengthen the muscles in his back and neck. The physical therapy (set up by early intervention) will add to that with ways that we can stretch his limbs. He will be monitored as far as spasticity, or seeing how tight his muscles could get. So, we are very grateful to be set up with therapy and have ways to help him. We are again left with, "This doesn't give us a definite answer to what he will and won't be able to do. Therapy helps. We just have to wait and see." We have to wait and see what God does, too (but she didn't say that part;). 

    She addressed his eyes a little bit. She did advise that we set up an appointment with an optometrist. He doesn't seem to really focus on what's in front of him. I do think he can see us, but it's just so hard to tell. That would seem to be evidence of the brain damage. We can continue to just engage with him, talk to him, read to him, put ourselves in his line of vision. Also, toys with mirrors are good for him because he can practice looking at himself (gosh, he is my child, hehe). 

    Brad and I left that appointment feeling slightly overwhelmed but well-equipped. What lies ahead does not take away from the progress Leo has made and I will fight Satan when he tells me otherwise. I am so grateful to witness Leo still fighting. I know that God will give us each ticket and some days will need more than others. My excitement for Leo to be unpredictable grows (but there's great exhaustion in that too). 

    This stuff is hard and I am definitely writing while processing. God is good. Leo is cool. We are very blessed. And this world is not our home. Those things I know for sure. 


  1. I can't tell you how much I am blessed by your beautifully articulated blog posts, as well as pics I've seen of Brad reading to Leo the Jesus Bible Storybook--speaking into your little one's heart the precious promises of God! Our family is rejoicing with you as Leo reaches each milestone, even as our hearts ache with you at each uncertainty and disappointment; but I LOVE.SO.MUCH. those truths that you are hanging on to, as you said: "God is good. Leo is cool. We are very blessed. And this world is not our home. Those things I know for sure." There are times when I'm awake in the night, and am reminded to pray for you all the things you mention here: thanksgiving for how far you have come, prayer for continued healing...and that God will continue to hold you fast with his grace that is sufficient for each day.


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