Lactation Appointment Update

     The big hope going into the appointment today was that Leo had gained enough weight to show that he could nurse and not use too much energy. He is also transitioning from fortified breast milk in the bottle to breast milk straight from me. 

    Well.....he gained 15.5oz in 14 days (doctor wants to see approximately an oz a day)!!!!! The lactation consultant was very pleased. She made the comment, "What you're doing is working." She has said part of her job is being my cheerleader, as well as helping me figure out how to transition to nursing in a sustainable way (nursing, pumping, and bottle feeding is not possible for months on end). So, from the appointment I got this.

    I will be nursing him 6 times a day and bottle feeding twice. I will be pumping four times a day. We are continuing to stretch him out at night, feeding him as he wakes up. The important factors in all of this are: Leo gaining weight, keeping my milk supply up, Leo sucking well, and creating positive oral experiences for him (because of all of the tubes down his throat that he experienced at the beginning). I would ask that you pray about this week. We have a doctor's appointment next week and if he has gained sufficient weight, we'll be going to all nursing! I would also ask for prayer that he will still take a bottle (maybe one a day), although I'm not really expecting it to last. I think we've been spoiled that he can do breast and bottle the way he has been. Either way, I'm so grateful for the progress he has made (no tube!). 

    Thanks for taking some time in your day to learn about our day. We are truly appreciative of your continued prayers and care. 


  1. So thankful for Leo’s progress... praising God that he has given Leo such a great Mom, who is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to help him grow... I know it isn’t easy, in fact it must be exhausting... praying for Jesus to grant you a special strength, solid rest, and the wisdom to know when to ask for help. You and Brad are a good team! What a blessed little boy Leo is. We look forward to more exciting reports on his progress.


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