2 Month Well Child Visit

     Leo gained almost 13oz in 8 days!!!!! Wait for it.......mostly nursing. So, folks, we are off of the fortified breastmilk and on to, Leo is fully nursing. I may still give him a bottle or two if he will continue to take them, but it will be straight breastmilk. The lactation consultant advised me to continue pumping several times a day so that Leo doesn't have to work as hard to keep my milk supply up. Who would have thought after Leo's birth that a little over two months out from that he'd be able to nurse. PRAISE GOD! Thank you for praying!

    Also, I think I've mentioned this already, but our little guy is crying. He got shots today and has been showing us his cry since then. He is getting stronger. Our little fighter. And, people, GOD HAS ANSWERED PRAYERS! 

    So, might I ask for more. The doctor looked at Leo's muscle tone and did mention that he seemed a little bit tighter since his last visit (about a month ago). That is discouraging to hear, but good to confirm what I was already suspecting. And being a bit tighter does not take away from the progress he has made. But it is still worrisome. I am glad we are starting physical therapy soon. I am afraid of just having to sit back and watch Leo's muscles get worse and worse. The doctor told me that he can't guarantee that won't happen, but at this point we very much don't know spastic (I think that's the right word) his muscles will be. And he assured me that therapy can definitely help. So, please, can you pray for Leo's muscles? We are still praying for God to completely heal that part of his brain. But we also know that God is good and in control even if that doesn't happen. Please pray that we would continue to learn how to best take care of Leo and that Leo would grow to love God. Ultimately, we want his life to glorify God more than look a certain way. Along with that prayer request, please pray that Brad and I would be able to surrender Leo each day to God's will. 

    His eyes still aren't focusing very well, although he does seem alert and aware. He also hasn't smiled at us. These are things that, again, the doctor isn't concerned with not seeing them because other factors (other than brain damage) could explain why we aren't seeing them yet. But, we just have to wait and see. Please pray for a smile.

    Lastly, please pray for our neurology check-up at CHOP tomorrow (appointment at 12pm)! Pray for grace and that God would help us ask good questions.


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