We have had a good day. 

    Over the weekend we were hoping that Leo could gain weight so that the feeding tube did not have to be reinserted. Ladies and gentlemen, he gained 4oz! The doctor was very pleased with his weight gain. It's a confirmation that he is not expending too much energy in sucking. His feeds take about 20-30 minutes and then we are still holding him upright for 20-30 minutes afterwards to avoid some spit ups (although, believe me, he has had a few). He is sleeping and pooping well too. 

    The doctor also had good things to say about Leo's muscle tone and eye reflexes. His tone continues to improve. This little boy can lift his head up and look around more and more. And, as for his eyes, I know we have mentioned on here that we don't feel like he engages very well. It's difficult to say, though, because newborns don't really engage with their eyes. Also, Leo is a premie so that is a factor as well. So, previously, the doctor has tested his eye reflexes by moving his hand very quickly directly in front and towards Leo's eyes. Before, Leo would not even blink. He didn't respond to this movement at all. Well, today he responded to it twice. He was a bit delayed once, but it was progress. I had also told Brad yesterday that I felt like Leo was looking at me--like at me--for like 5 seconds. I don't know what it is, but his eyes seem to be bouncing around just a little less. And the doctor was happy with what he saw. 

    We continue to pray for recovery in Leo's body and that God would give us what we need to care for him. God is teaching us so much through our little lion man's life. We are so thankful for the miracles that we have seen in Leo's life, and we are learning to delight in each day's progress while preparing for the realities that we can. May God be credited for all that Leo is doing because there ain't no other explanation!

 t shirt fundraiser

    We also wanted to share a fundraiser that some friends at our church put together. They are selling "Fighting like a lion" t-shirts. The t shirts will be shipped out after the fundraiser ends.......in 14 days (whatever day that is). Once you get your shirts--for those who are getting them--we would LOVE to see you in them! I think you could post them on facebook or instagram and tag me (Brad doesn't do social media).


  1. Leo is so adorable and loved so much. Its great to see his progress. Woah 4oz in a week? Great job little man, you too Charis and Brad. Love you guys. I'm ready for Leo snuggles again any day

  2. I continue to pray for all of you. It is so wonderful to hear of the progress Leo makes, even if there doesn't feel like there is much to report. None of us knows what tomorrow holds or what God is doing, but it is so good to rest in the knowledge of his love for all of you. Praying you continue to know His presence in the days of good reports and in the days of frustration and tears.

  3. i told you have faith because you cannot have fear where faith is . God is good

  4. Celebrating Leo's progress with you! Love you all!

  5. Thank you for the update and glad to see positives,my prayers for all continue.


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