Hopeful, was the word she used...

     Leo and I (Charis) had an appointment with a lactation consultant on Monday. We are working on transitioning to breastfeeding, if possible. However, because he is on fortified breastmilk, the process gets a little bit more complicated. They just need to make sure that he can gain the weight he needs to while breastfeeding. I don't need to go into all of the details of the appointment here, but could you please pray for the two of us in this transition specifically. I left the appointment feeling very overwhelmed but also encouraged. Leo was able to do a full volume feed at the breast in the appointment! The lactation consultant was very hopeful (and a little surprised). Our little fighter is still fighting. 

    Over the next couple of weeks I will be integrating breastfeeding in little by little as I also learn to read Leo's cues as to when he's hungry and when he's full--also learning to calm him down. On that note, another pressing prayer request is nights. Nights have been complicated.

    Side note: Leo is getting louder! God is working in those muscles! I do not know what's up with his vocal chords, but he is most definitely making more and more noise. God is answering prayers.

    Back to nights. Nights are complicated because we are trying to stretch Leo to sleep longer chunks of time (than 3 hours). But we do not want him laying in his bed and fussing for hours at a time. And, because he is not crying, I have slept through his restlessness and fussing a couple times at night--gotten up an hour later than I had planned. It's just hard because of how tired we are and he's not screaming to wake us up. It adds another layer to learning to read him.

Please pray that I can keep track of all that I need to and for Brad as he continues to adjust to working again. Thank you for your continued prayers. God continues to sustain. 

We got to attend (and be a part of) some dear friends' wedding recently. We have also been enjoying our Leo snuggles.


  1. Continuing to pray for Leo. Your nights, Brad adjusting back to work, as well as learning Leo’s clues.


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