Almost 1 month old!

 Another good doctor's appt for Leo today. The pediatrician was pleased with his ability lift his head and he still gained weight, though not quite as much as they hoped. Charis and Brad got the go ahead to let Leo drink as much as much as he wants from the bottle and he drank 40ml with the first bottle!

Leo made his debut this Easter and met lots of the family who loves him. I got to spend the night to help out the new parents yesterday. Charis and Brad are a great team, and it warmed my hearts to watch them rising to the challenges of parenthood. The feedings take awhile and Leo needs to be held upright for at least 20 minutes after each one, so that was my job!
Please, please continue to pray. Leo's brain has so much healing to do and Brad and Charis are so encouraged by your support. The tears still flow and after so many anxious days of hard news, it's difficult for them to feel confident in their ability to care for Leo at home (even though they are doing a GREAT job). Charis had a follow up appt with her OB today too. She was looking forward to because there are still so many questions about why this happened, but it's looking like we really may never have an answer. Her doctor is still baffled. While it can't change Leo's prognosis, it's still a bit disheartening and unsettling.
Current prayer requests:
- Leo's eyes still don't seem to respond to his environment
- Everyone would love for Leo to be able to sustain himself without the tube as soon as possible!
- Brad and Charis continue to feel anxious for Leo's well being, which can be especially difficult as they're getting less sleep than they're used to.
- Leo's neurons need to regrow lots of pathways.

Posting the link for the t-shirt fundraiser for those of you who missed it thus far:


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