Update from yesterday NICU day #13

 Another day of progress for Leo! Physical therapy said he was a bit less hypotonic today than Wednesday. He has been given the ok to downgrade to a lower level of care at CHOP while he builds up his breathing and eating muscles, though they haven't moved him yet to my knowledge.

He was also able to attempt nursing! He was apparently receptive but didn't know exactly what to do yet. He did latch on tight and readily to the pacifier today when the speech therapist offered it. All tiny positives to rejoice in.
Since he is breathing so well, the doctors have started the conversation about when he could go home. If Leo starts to progress really quickly in his ability to feed, he may stay at CHOP until he can sustain himself without the feeding tube. However, if he decides to take his time, feeding alone won't keep him in the hospital. Charis and Brad could potentially take him home with the feeding tube and continue teaching him to eat orally there. While it could still be a while before he's discharged, both options feel like a win in some ways. Can't wait to get this little guy back to Lancaster!
I know I say this almost every time, but I can't say it enough: thank you for your prayers! God hears.


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