NICU day #4 cont.

Charis and Brad are at the hospital with Leo for the morning. Watching him struggle is difficult for both of them. Leo has been having more seizures even with both Phenobarbital and Keppra on board. His breathing has also somewhat deteriorated since he was born and he is more dependent on the ventilator. The doctors are not sure what is causing the respiratory issues as they do not coincide with the seizure activity so they are treating him for a possible infection. As of about 7am, Leo is a bit more stable than he was in the middle of the night, but the situation feels precarious. Once again we wait and hope for more answers about the long term prognosis and short term outcomes. Leo will have an MRI the beginning of next week and doctors feel that it will be telling.

Charis and Brad draw so much comfort and strength from all of you. They are surrounded by people, truly the hands and feet of Jesus. Please continue to pray that Brad and Charis will know how to support each other and Leo. Mom said this morning, "There is no around, only through." 


  1. As I sit in what used to be your old bedroom, Charis, I am prayerfully watchful of Leo's progress today. May God's love permeate everything you and Brad and the rest of the family are feeling. Praying for a miraculous recovery today and hope for tomorrow.

  2. I am praying for all of you. I am praying for good progress and healing for little Leo. May you continue to know God's presence and love for you as you walk through these difficult days together. Love from Hannah Lehardy

  3. Praying for the grace of God, the healing of the Great Physician, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the peace of Christ Jesus to be with you, dear ones.


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