NICU day #3

 As I type, Leo is warming up! The much anticipated process has begun and we are all waiting with bated breath to see how Leo will do. He had a seizure free day thus far but has started having some significant apneic periods. These, like everything else it seems, could either be due to his current treatments or to the oxygen deprivation at delivery. And so we still wait, to see which one it is. The current plan is to have Leo's body temperature normal around 2:30am and then to begin weaning him from some of the sedation. Brad and Charis have asked that you pray for these things specifically:

-that Leo's umbilical central line will no longer be needed and can be taken out (so they can hold him!!)
-that Leo will be alert enough and mature enough to be able to suck (so they can feed him orally)
-that Leo will be seizure free and able to breath on his own without difficulty
Many of you have asked how you can support the Wilcox's and prayer is above all your greatest kindness to them. Our Lord hears us and He present and working in all of this. He has paid the price to give us full access to the throne room. As Auntie Tenli put it: Jesus loves Leo best.
I have added the link for the meal train to this post. At the moment, Brad and Charis don't need very many. When Leo is discharged home, I will update with a lot more dates.


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