NICU day #2


Good Morning to all of you in Brad and Charis’s vast support network! Charis’s big sister Phoebe, here, reporting on Baby Leo’s progress. I’ll start the story from the beginning so if you’re looking for an update, skip to the bottom!

Charis went into labor naturally this past Sunday afternoon. She and Brad spent a mostly sleepless night working through her contractions as they ramped up. After calling their doctor, they headed to the hospital to see what kind of progress she’d made around 10am on Monday. Charis was 6 cm dilated and after having her water broken was able to begin pushing around 2:30. She pushed for 2.5 hours, and aside from the fact that Leo was taking his time, all appeared well. Leo was born at 5:02pm but was unexpectedly not breathing or moving. The NICU team surrounded Leo and did what they do best.

By Monday evening, we were assured that Leo was going to make it and that the question was now how his brain would respond to the oxygen deprivation. He was intubated to support his breathing and his body temperature was cooled to optimize his neurological recovery. Tuesday morning saw a setback when Leo started seizing. They adjusted his mediations and Leo has responded really well ever since.

So here we are on Wednesday and Leo is:

Over halfway through the 72-hour therapeutic cooling period 

-More than 24 hours without seizures

·       - Initiating breaths on his own over the ventilator

·        - And has lots of wiggles and normal movement despite heavy medication to keep him comfortable

Doctors are pleased with his vital signs and blood tests. The NICU team has told Charis and Brad to anticipate being able to hold Leo on Friday morning, after he is all warmed up. Many of their questions about his neurological function may be better answered the following week with appts for an MRI and with a neurologist coming up.

I know I speak for Brad and Charis when I say THANK YOU for your love, support, and prayers. The Lord’s kindness and sovereignty has been our hope and stay. Please continue to lift up Charis and Brad as they wait and wait and wait and wait. And Leo while his mind and body heal from the trauma of labor.


  1. Thank you, Phoebe, for the update. Praying for baby Leo, Charis and Brad, and all the wonderful family that loves baby Leo.

  2. Brad, Charis & sweet baby Leo -- you are being prayed for around the clock! Sending you hugs and a whole lot of love! Stephanie Manuel


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