CHOP NICU day #5

Well... the news was not what we hoped. 

The neurologist met with Brad and Charis to discuss the MRI this morning. Leo has hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (which we sorta knew already). It's a broad diagnosis for infants who suffer brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. There is a wide range of outcomes, but based on the MRI, Leo's injuries are extensive. He also had a bleed in the middle of his brain. His body will eventually reabsorb all of the blood, but according to Brad's understanding, the "space" will stay. This MRI is the best predictor of Leo's long term capabilities but it's not an exact science. Leo's neurons may regrow new pathways because he is so little, but there is no way to know right now. 

In the long term, Leo will still be at risk for seizures and he may have issues with hypertonia. His muscles may be stiff and inflexible and it may impact his ability to eat, sit, crawl, walk... The doctor says they'll know more when Leo is 2-5years old. 

In the short term, Leo needs to breath on his own and eat on his own. The neurologist is optimistic that Leo will be able to be weaned from the ventilator based on his progress thus far, but there is no way to know if Leo will have the coordination to eat by mouth until he is finally extubated. His blood gases from last night were not perfect, so they are not going to start weaning today.

So, please pray

  • that Leo will be able to be weaned soon and breath on his own without apneic episodes
  • that Leo will know how to suck and swallow 

  • for grace for Brad and Charis
We don't know what tomorrow looks like, or next year, or 10 years from now. But we do know that Leo is precious, to God and his parents. We do know that God gave Leo to Brad and Charis on purpose so we do know that He will give them everything they need to raise him. No matter what. Brad, Charis, and Leo are surrounded by support on all sides. God promises hope, joy, and peace when His Spirit is present, and He is.


  1. Charis, I went to school with Bradley. My daughter (almost 1) has a genetic condition that impacts all the same areas that are projected by the drs to be difficult for Leo, except for breathing. She relies solely on a Gtube unfortunately for her nutrition and her muscles are the opposite of Leo-hypotonic. She continues to progress, but it’s at her own pace. You sound so so brave and trusting as you have walked through this. I know at times I have felt quite alone not knowing anyone else whose baby has had similar challenges. If ever you feel you would like someone to talk to who “gets it” feel free to reach out to me. Leo is handsome and precious!!!! I have been and will continue to pray for him and that he will exceed all medical expectations!

  2. Dear Brad and Charis my heart aches for you as you process all of this information. While you do not know what the future holds for your precious Leo, you do know the One who holds the future and Leo in His loving hands. Praying His grace sustains you day by day and with each passing moment!
    With love and prayers,


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