CHOP NICU day #2 cont.

 Leo had another probable seizure (neurology hasn't confirmed seizure activity on the EEG yet) this afternoon while Brad was holding him for the first time. It lasted about 15 minutes and it was really hard on daddy. Please continue to pray that Leo's seizures subside enough for him to be weaned from his seizure meds. Please pray for stamina for Brad and Charis. They are exhausted trying to be there for Leo and still have something left to support each other. Pray for deep rest tonight and that they both would tangibly feel the comforting presence of their Heavenly Father with them tomorrow as we start week 2 of waiting to see how Leo will do.


  1. God of comfort, we pray for peace that passes understanding to sustain Brad and Charis, that they may rest well and have the stamina they need to support each other and their wee boy, Leo. Thank you for holding this family in your loving, healing, gentle, understanding hands.

  2. Oh God, we pray that you would ride the heavens to the help of this dear young family! They are engraved in the palm of your hands and couldn't be safer than in that place. Give them strength and endurance for this new day and tangible evidence of your presence with them. You are near!
    Show them your goodness in the land of the living and may little Leo point many to you! Be glorified as they fill up what is lacking in the sufferings of Jesus. We love them and you.


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