CHOP NICU day #1 cont.

 Leo made it to 2:30pm and has gone over 24 hours without seizures! He is on a lot of phenobarbital that will eventually have to be weaned, but we are claiming a win! Now that his seizures are more under control, the MRI will be ordered (though we've been told it probably won't actually happen until Monday or Tuesday). The EEG leads on his head maybe able to be taken off before then. 

The report from the doctor this morning was positive overall. His white blood cell count is rose closer to normal, his urine output increased, and he has been a bit less dependent on the ventilator. All good things! And best of all... 

...wait for it...

πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™Charis got to hold him!πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Leo still has a long way to go and we know not all days will be like today, but we are reveling in some good news. We are SO grateful for the outpouring of support from you all. Charis and Brad have a been told there is room for them at the Ronald McDonald house, so hopefully all will be arranged after a bit of paperwork. You all are helping to meet all of their other needs. The Lord sustains them.


  1. Dear Brad and Charis,
    We are SO excited to hear about little Leo's arrival ... but so sorry to hear about the complications. Our hearts go out to you ... your arms feel empty ... this is not how you envisioned welcoming your baby into your home. We are asking God to do a miraculous work of healing, to bring comfort and protect your mama and papa hearts. I'm so thankful you got to hold Leo, Charis!!!! Keep the updates coming and we'll keep praying. Un fuerte abrazo y muchos besitos para Leo. Dan, Vange and Toni

  2. Prayers for your sweet little guy and for you all. Troy and Tammy Runkle

  3. Praise God for good news!!! Continuing to pray!! ❤️

  4. Praying for you guys! God's got this!! I'm beyond excited you got to hold your little man!

  5. How precious! I am thanking God that your momma arms are now filled with that beautiful baby boy! My heart is soaring! I'm praying for . . . well, lots of things for you all!


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