CHOP NICU day #2

 Good afternoon Leo Lovers! 

It's been another good night for Leo after his snuggle with his mama. No seizures and even less ventilator support. They began trickle feeds to help wake up his little digestive system. Hopefully, he'll start to digest larger and larger quantities of milk through a tube in his belly so he can be taken off the IV nutrition. 

At this point, the doctors are planning to weaning Leo from the phenobarbital by lowering his dose tomorrow morning. This will be telling since the doctors don't know if the frequent seizures were in response to the cooling/warming process and have subsided (partially or completely) or if they are due to the underlying hypoxic brain injury and being prevented by the high dose phenobarbital. If they are able to lower the dose without new seizure activity, we'll also get a closer look at how Leo behaves when he isn't sedated. He may also wean from the vent even more.

Thank you for your continued prayers. The God who heals will hear them. We are so grateful for the medical knowledge He has given the staff at LGH and CHOP who have cared for Leo so diligently so far. And we are grateful for the diligent care you all have given to Brad and Charis.


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