Equipment Update
We have two pieces of equipment, but several things that serve as adaptive gear for Leo. I'm still learning the definitions. Or why is it important to make a distinction, haha? This is an update on the adaptive things that Leo has been having a harder time with that we hope to incorporate more into daily life in the future. Stander: pretty self-explanatory. We've had it for almost two years, I think. When we first got it, I was under the impression that I'd be putting Leo in it for meals regularly so that he could be held up while he ate without me having to do it every time. Well, not quite how it worked. Leo's body's natural way of moving is into an extension. His head turns to the right and he almost tries to push it further (to looking behind him). His one arm extends, the other bends. His hips thrust forward and his legs go straight, like with crazy strength. And his feet point and turn in. This is a little weird to descr...