Big Prayer Request, Short Notice
Leo and I are headed into CHOP tomorrow for an EEG to look for seizure activity. We had an "episode" about a month ago where we thought, "Was that a seizure?" With Leo's history and being high risk for seizures, our neurologist is talking with some other members of Leo's team and also ordered an EEG. Seizures is a big word. It's hard to not be in denial, but also not worry about every little movement. Ultimately, God is in control and anything that they might tell us doesn't change who Leo is (got that from a friend, a medical mama too). I may be able to expand on this more later. We don't want seizures. But even if they are there (or come) God is bigger. And seizures range in kind and severity that there's just so much we can't know right now. Working on surrendering it all to God. He's bigger. We just gotta be faithful in caring for Leo. And we just have to do one day at a time. If this sounds super serious and gloomy, I...