Eye Doctor Visit

A bit delayed, but an update on our eye doctor visit. Leo and I went to the eye doctor on Tuesday. It was nice to see a specialist after having so many questions about his eyes. This visit offered some encouragement, some discouragement, and more waiting. After giving a brief description of Leo's history, the eye doctor started by checking to see if the pupils responded to light. They do. They may be a little slow on responding, but they respond. He then used a tool to check for vision. Basically, it was a cylinder with black and white stripes on it (1 inch thick). When he spins it in front of you, it forces your eyes to move in order to follow the movement. He did it on me and himself to show me. When he put it in front of Leo and turned it, Leo's eyes moved. So we know that there is some extent of vision there. Praising God. After that, Leo was given drops to dilate his pupils. We had to wait a bit for them to work. ...