Back from our first excursions!

We're back home! Haven't had an appointment in weeks, and still going strong! Being at Wayumi and the cabin with a little one was very enlightening. I knew in my brain what to expect, but you also just have to experience it for yourself to fully process the limited freedom, new priorities, and self-sacrificing necessities. I don't mean to sound dramatic, though. It was a good time. Leo did so good! Wayumi was definitely over-stimulating for him at times. I tended to remove myself from the group in the afternoons and get some quiet time with Leo in our room to do some therapy and nap. He didn't always sleep the greatest during the day, but at night he was a champ! He met lots of new friends, too. That presented another new experience of telling new people about Leo's story. Basically, I just wanted to tell anyone who held him about his high muscle tone because you don't expect a baby to be that strong. People were very encouraging and loving to L...