It Takes a Village
What a two weeks it has been. So Leo gained weight. Praise Jesus! And then....about 10 days ago he started puking a lot more, bottles were not going well. He was not taking as much and taking longer, putting it through the tube wasn't stopping him from spitting it up after. And I think I've said before, his spit ups are--they're not normal. So, it was quite taxing to feed him and try and help him not throw it up. Definitely felt like we took some big steps backwards. Then on Saturday he woke up with croup. We were able to get him medicine, and after not really sleeping Saturday night, he seemed to be getting better on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday his attitude has only improved. We are so happy to have a happy kid again. On his one year appointment on Monday, Leo was down one ounce. Honestly, after the last week we'd had, we expected worse. But, we want the GAIN and we want it to be consistent! God knows. Leo also...