Weight Check

Small update, and one with some "how are we doing?" in it (in my mind there's a difference between a "medical" update and an "emotions and state of mind" update). Leo had a weight check today and he didn't gain in the past two weeks . And he's having big spit ups and a lot of them We are going to get some blood work done, an upcoming GI appointment, upping the calorie concentration in the formula, and starting some medicine for reflux. Many things like spit up consistency, poop frequency and consistency, and Leo's mood are still really good. So those don't seem to point to big issues. But we are hoping to get answers and it's stressful to not know. The prayer request would be for Leo to gain weight, for us to get these spit ups under control, and for us to get answers as to why this is so difficult for him right now. Weight gain is something that many babies struggle with. It doesn't have to be serious. But, we wa...