
Showing posts from June, 2023

Summer Update

     Pool therapy is so fun! Leo loves it. We got one of those innertubes that goes around his neck. It is the most free and relaxed I have ever seen his body. It's been so fun to see his body after spending time in the pool, too. The therapist asked me if he seemed any more relaxed after time in the pool. Well, the two times he spent his whole time in the pool with that innertube around his neck, he was so relaxed that evening. He has seriously slept so well after being in the pool. Some friends of ours have also said that we can come and enjoy their pool whenever we want! Such a kind answer to prayer. When Leo and I have free time and it's hot, we can hang out in the water!      We've also had one PT session at Schreiber and that was really fun, too. I feel like having therapy outside of the home has been fun in a way I didn't expect. After struggling so much with feeling like I have the responsibility for Leo's developmental outcome, the therapies outsid...




      I am floored. We had our first session of pool therapy--"aquatic" technically, I think--and it was amazing!      Let's just say I was stressed before getting there. I completely forgot about the concept of swim diapers until that morning. I never once thought about a towel. I was packing our car so that we could be out for the evening. I was also a bit stressed about the pool therapy as is. I do not go into the pool so he's working with someone else completely. I anticipated some push back from Leo, some not-very-happy Leo.  Watching your kid be distressed, knowing how you could help him calm down, and staying quiet to let him learn to work with people other than mom...difficult.      Anyways, all of that to say that I was stressed leading up to this session. However, 5 minutes into it I sat back delighted as could be, sipping my coffee and just watching. It's freeing to not be the one doing therapy with Leo. It's a sweet remi...